Baby Unit
3 months – 24 months
Staff ratio 1:3 The baby unit has space for 12 Tiddlers and 15 Tadpoles which is divided into these two rooms known as base groups. Each base group has their own main play areas, which allows for sensory exploration; physical and role play; messy play; construction materials and quiet time. We then have a large separate cot room for our youngest children who sleep in cots, and a milk kitchen and nappy changing areas.
Daily activities

Although some of the babies are quite young, they will have a full and varied day. Activities which the babies have had the opportunity to participate in are displayed daily on the parent notice board located outside the room. Throughout the week the children will be able to participate in a wide variety of activities such as art, messy play, cooking, music and movement, stories and singing. The Baby Unit plans their activities around the seven areas of learning found in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children also have the opportunity to access the outdoor area throughout the nursery day. The unit has their own separate outdoor play area.
Meal times/weaning
When babies start weaning, fresh vegetables and fruit are prepared in the main kitchen. Further foods are introduced through consultation with parents and pureed as required. There is a healthy balanced menu provided for the children once all foods are able to be included in their diet, which is again displayed on the parent’s notice board outside the baby unit.
Formula milk/Breast milk
We provide all children’s formula milk, readymade, in bottles clearly labelled in the milk kitchen fridge until required. Once a child is old enough, the nursery provides cows milk daily and soya milk is also available if a child has an allergy. Should parents require their child to have follow on milks for non-medical reasons then we will ask parents to provide this for your child. We are happy for parents to provide us with breast milk if this is their preferred milk intake for their baby, and again this is stored in the baby milk kitchen clearly labelled.
Nappies and wipes are included in the fees and in all cases the wipes are the sensitive type. If you require a certain brand of wipes to the ones we use then we ask that parents provide these for staff to use and clearly label them. We provide Sudocrem, but again if parents wish use to use a particular cream then they are able to bring in a pot or tube clearly labelled for us to apply. We have a separate changing area away from the playroom.
Sleep time
When the children start nursery, we require parents to complete a profile for us, detailing their child’s routine, likes and dislikes. Baby unit staff check sleeping babies on a regular basis. Children have their own cot and bedding. For the older children in the unit we provide sleep mats, for children to have a sleep after lunch. These are laid out in a quiet area of the unit, and again children are regularly checked.
Staffing on the baby unit
The unit has a named leader: Sarah Haynes. She is supported by other qualified nursery nurses who are key persons within the unit. The unit often has an allocated student nursery nurse, who supports the team.